set $3 to findwindow "" ""{$9}" 20 - InstallShield Wizard"
goto @stop if not equal {$3} "0"
set $3 to findwindow "" "InstallShield Wizard"
goto @stop if not equal {$3} "0"
set $3 to findwindow "" "Windows Installer"
goto @stop if not equal {$3} "0"
set $4 to registry "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" "Version"
goto @less if less {$4} "5.0"
//Check for Win9x and whether the .NET Framework is installed//
//set $dotnet to registry "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322" "Install"
//goto @skip9Xmessage if equal {$dotnet} "1"
//goto @9xmessage if equal {%winver} 7
//goto @9xmessage if equal {%winver} 8
//goto @9xmessage if equal {%winver} 9
//goto @skip9Xmessage
//message "" {$9}" needs to install Microsoft .NET Framework. Once this installation is complete, you may need to restart your computer.^j^jAfter restart, if the installation does not continue, please eject and reinsert The Print Shop Install Disc to begin installation again."
set $5 to registry "SOFTWARE\Broderbund Software\Print\Calendar Creator\10.0" "EXE"
goto @ContinueVersionCheck if equal {$5} ""
//We found a version of 20. Let's see it's this version.
set $productcode to inifile {%pigdir}"setup\setup.ini" "Startup" "ProductCode"
set $packagecode to inifile {%pigdir}"setup\setup.ini" "Startup" "PackageCode"
set $cc10installed to msiproductinstalled {$productcode}
// We were fooled! MSI says it's not installed!
goto @ContinueVersionCheck if equal {$cc10installed} 0
set $installedpackagecode to msiproductinfo {$productcode} "PackageCode"
//See if it came from this CD/Build
goto @stop if equal {$packagecode} {$installedpackagecode}
set $upgrade to message {$9} "Another version of "{$9}" is already installed. Would you like to install this version instead?" 4
goto @stop if equal {$upgrade} 7
set $6 to registry "SOFTWARE\Broderbund Software\Print\Calendar Creator\9.0" "EXE"
goto @found if not equal {$6} ""
set $6 to registry "SOFTWARE\Broderbund Software\Print\Calendar Creator\8.0" "EXE"
goto @found if not equal {$6} ""
goto @setup
set $3 to message ""{$9}" - Setup" "An older version of Calendar Creator has been detected on your computer. This is an update of this version. Your older version will not be uninstalled, but it is recommended that you uninstall the older version later. If Calendar Creator is currently running on your system, please exit it before starting this install.^j^jWould you like to continue?" 1
goto @stop if equal {$3} 2
run "Setup\setup.exe"
goto @stop
// IE is less than 5.0
message ""{$9}" - Setup" "Your system needs a minimum of Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater to run "{$9}".^j^j Setup cannot continue."
goto @stop
message ""{$9}"" "You must be an administrator on this machine to install "{$9}".^j^j Please log on as an administrator and try again."